The First Murgon Church
The first Masses in the Murgon region were held in private homes until the first Church
was built and blessed on 4 August 1918 by Father M O'Flynn, for Archbishop Duhig.Murgon Parish Established
Murgon Parish was later annexed from Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Nanango on
19 March 1927 (the feast of St Joseph) and consisted of seven Mass Centres. Five of these centres (St Peter Claver, Cherbourg; St Kevin's, Goomeri; Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Proston; St John the Baptist, Wondai) still remain with St Joseph's Parish. A sixth Mass
Centre was established in Durong in 1966 and the Church was dedicated to the Sacred Heart.
Two other Mass Centres were transferred to St Patrick's Parish, Gympie; they were
St Francis Xavier's, Woolooga (1942), and St Kevin's, Kilkivan (1947).
Read the full story (116kb pdf)Note: this history document is a work-in-progess and will be updated when new information
becomes available.His Grace the Archbishop's Visit to the Parish of Murgon
A two-page article was written in The Age on Thursday, December 20, 1928 about the Archbishop's visit to Murgon to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. The article contains interesting information about the beginnings of Murgon. Download original article (692kb pdf). If you find the text hard to read download the typed text (100kb pdf)
To read more old newspapers articles, going back to 1896, about Churches in the parish and
a map illustrating the history of the Churches in the Murgon Parish click here.