Parish Services
Reconciliation (First Rite) Times:
First Sundays: Saturday, Wondai, 5.30pm. Second Sundays: Saturday, Murgon at 5.30pm.
Third Sundays: Saturday, 8.30am, Proston. Reconcilation is also available before Mass on any day provided there is ample time, OR , by private appointment in advance.The Sacraments of Initiation (First Communion and Confirmation) are offered by the Parish in the first half of the year (usually after Easter) and concluding on or around Pentecost. Parents should either watch Parish Newsletters, or Parish Primary School Newsletters, or this website for further announcements.
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation is offered by the Parish in the second half of the year (usually after the Brisbane Exhibition Public Holidays are over). Again, parents are advised to monitor Parish Newsletters, or Parish Primary School Newsletters, or this website for further announcements.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available generally at any time, day and night. Please telephone the Presbytery and speak directly to the Parish Priest.
The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the sacraments of initiation (the other two being First Communion and Confirmation) is available only by appointment. Usually, baptisms are restricted to Saturday mornings or early Saturday afternoons due to the programme of weekend Masses and the associated travel by the Parish Priest. An interview with one or both parents in attendance is essential. Dates and times for baptisms will then be mutually agreed at the time of the interview. Again, prospective parents are asked to telephone the Presbytery and speak directly to the Parish Priest, in order to make the initial interview booking. Usually allow about one hour for the interview process.
The Sacrament of Matrimony | Funeral Requests